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distribute your blog to twitter, facebook and more
Category: Others

Dlvr.it provides bloggers, publishers and brands a way to instantly add a blog or any RSS-enabled content to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz and more - Free. Everyday Gigaom, WebMd, Edelman Pr, Reuters, TechDirt, universities, government agencies, thousands of independent publishers and small businesses worldwide trust Dlvr.it to bring their content to their readers across the social web. Each feed can be customized and scheduled so just the right content reaches your fans, friends and followers at just the right time. The dashboard provides insight into ways to improve the social sharing of your content along with monitoring retweets, ranking popular content and tracking reach. Registration required.

Published on 2011-11-27 15:47:51 - Click here to edit or to add informations - Report as not working

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