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calculate page size, composition, and download time
Category: Website speed check
websiteoptimization allows: check website performance, check website speed
Enter a URL below to calculate page size, composition, and download time. The script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component. Based on these page characteristics the script then offers advice on how to improve page load time. The script incorporates the latest best practices from Website Optimization Secrets, web page size guidelines and trends, and web site optimization techniques into its recommendations. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsWebsiteOutlook is a place to evaluate any website. When choosing to buy or sell a website having the proper information about your investment can be crucial to your success. Websiteoutlook is dedicated to finding all pertinent information that may pertain to your personal interest. The information offered by Websiteoutlook is offered as reference only. Further research and conformation of claims are advised before any substantial investment Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsFastSubmit makes getting listed quick and easy! In just minutes, you can get submitted to over 100+ of the Internet's biggest search engines and directories. Registration not required.
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Click here for more will show you the name of the company that's hosting the website. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsFavicon Generator (Prodraw graphics) ia a free online tool that helps you to convert logo, image and photo file into standard *.ICO favicon format. Simple steps: upload the image file, generate the favicon file and download it. For best results, you might use a square image to upload. And if you want a transparent favicon, please use a GIF or PNG file with transparency background. Registration not required.
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Click here for more informationsJust Ping help you know whether your website or blog is accessible from different cities of the world. Unlike other online ping services that run from one location, runs the ping command on your website from 26 different locations spread across the globe so you have a better idea about your site availability in different regions. They even have a checkpoint in Shanghai so you can easily find out if some particular website is blocked in China or not. Registration not required.
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potential ad earnings of a Website domain
Category: Advertising and funding
WebTrafficAgents WebSite Valuation lets you find out the potential ad earnings of a Website domain and its net Value. This utility is FREE and can be used in conjunction with other research to acertain the possible direct ad earnings of a website, either as the site's owner/webmaster or as a potential purchaser of the domain/site. Building up a domain's visitor traffic is a time consuming, and sometimes costly business, domains which have a high value will be finely tuned to maximise advertising earnings potential. Registration not required.
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hHow fast does your webpage load?
Category: Website speed check gives you the possibility to see how fast your (or any) website loads in a real browser from over 50 locations worldwide. If you have a worldwide audience, or your site is hosted in a different country from where your visitors live, it is useful to see how long it takes to load your web pages. With you simply enter the full URL of the page you want to check, and the page is retreived by a browser at a random location. For each subsequent check you can choose a specific location and browser profile. As a result you will be presented with the load time of the web page, snapshots of the webpage at different times during load, errors or warnings if they occur, a complete timing break down of all elements of your page in a waterfall chart, the possibility to download the timing results in the Http Archive (HAR) format. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsWith w3who, you can find sites from one owner. maintains a database of adsense/ google-analytics publisher ids to identify website networks. Furthermore, you can lookup miscellaneous information on a domain - ip address, server location, websites hosted on the same ip and similarly targeted sites by keywords. Registration not required.
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the best way to ensure your website is included in Bing's index
Category: Sitemaps
Drive more visitors to your site using Bing data on search queries, crawling and search traffic. Registration required.
Click here for more informationsPic To Icon Converter helps to convert image file into several different icon formats upon your needs: Windows Desktop Icon(32x32 or 48x48 pixel, .ico format), Windows 7(up to 256x256 pixel PNG icon.), Application Icon, iPhone(57x57 pixel PNG icon), iPad(72x72 pixels PNG icon), Android(72x72, 48x48 or 36x36 pixels PNG icon) and Website Favicon(16x16 pixels ICO icon). Registration not required.
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an alternative to Adsense to monetize your website
Category: Advertising and funding
Smowtion provides several types of ad form such as the ad banner that we usually use on Adsense and the pop-under ads. Smowtion is simply one of the great high-earner network we have ever found. Registration not required.
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Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, …) of Web documents
Category: Code validator