Use this utility to compress your CSS to increase loading speed and save on bandwidth as well. You can choose from three levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. Registration not required.
Click here for more provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsUse this Cascading Style Sheets, CSS Compressor to compress CSS to reduce CSS code size and make your web pages load faster. You can select from four levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. It is quick, easy and free! Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsPlugoo is a slick little chat widget that enables you to talk with site visitors via your IM client. In other words, you can work as usual without having to keep an eye on the chat box. Then if someone initiates a chat, a message will pop up on your IM. Great concept.
Click here for more informationsA lot of Content and Links displayed on a webpage may not actually be visible to the Search Engines, eg. Flash based content, content generated through javascript, content displayed as images etc. This tool Simulates a Search Engine by displaying the contents of a webpage exactly how a Search Engine would see it. It also displays the hyperlinks that will be followed (crawled) by a Search Engine when it visits the particular webpage. See Your Site With the Eyes of a Spider. Registration not required.
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Click here for more informationsDescription not available. Registration not required.
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see which websites are your neighbours
Category: Site informations
YouGetSignal performs a Reverse IP Check and lets you know about other websites that are hosted on the same web server as your site. This is useful information because sometimes one bad site can impact all the neighbours. You may then request your web hosting company to move your site to a different web server. Registration not required.
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contact address, email and phone number of the website owner
Category: Site informations will allow you to know the contact address, email and phone number of the website owner. Since most whois services on the web are tied to particular domain registrars, you cannot find the ownership details of that site by doing a whois query. WhoIsTheOwner is different because it queries the whois database of all popular domain registrars. Registration not required.
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Click here for more informationsThe world's largest hosting provider of secure websites, Go Daddy offers advanced 4th-generation hosting that uses a unique system of server clusters to reduce outages and overage fees for its hosting customers. Compared to the 2nd-generation Web hosting still sold by many hosting companies, Go Daddy’s 4GH hosting offers 300% more capacity with no effect on site performance. The company also offers WordPress®, blog and podcast hosting, as well as virtual dedicated, dedicated and Mac-powered cloud servers. Registration not required.
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size and loading time for every object on a web page
Category: Website speed check
Pingdom is a free online service that mimics the way a page is loaded in the web browser. It shows statistics (size, loading time) for every object on the web page so you know about the culprits who may slow down the website. Registration not required.
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search for recently expired domain names
Category: Domain name search
Justdropped lets you search for domain names that have recently expired. You get a few searches for free with limited results. Registration not required.
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submit your sitemap to the major search engines
Category: Sitemaps
Your XML sitemap URL will be submitted to Google, Yahoo!, Bing (MSN), and Moreover (Technologies) in a single click! Pingsitemap will ping the major search engines and web services to notify them of your new / updated sitemap. However Pingsitemap not recommends submitting the same URL more than once per day unless there are major changes to your sitemap. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsDescription not available. Registration required.
Click here for more informationsSitemap Writer (Submit sitemap) directly notifies Google, Yahoo!, and Bing ( about your new or updated sitemap file. Registration not required.
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website quotation estimator on the web
Category: Site estimation
sitevaluecheck allows: to estimate a website value