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Website Performance and Optimization Test
Category: Website speed check
webpagetest.org allows: check website performance, check website speed
WebPagetest is an open source project that is primarily being developed and supported by Google as part of the efforts to make the web faster. The platform is under active development on GitHub and is also packaged up periodically and available for download if you would like to run your own instance.
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analyze the performance of a webpage for mobile devices and desktop devices
Category: Website speed check
Page Speed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent. The PageSpeed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Please note that PageSpeed Insights is being continually improved and so the score will change as we add new rules or improve our analysis. PageSpeed Insights measur
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calculate page size, composition, and download time
Category: Website speed check
websiteoptimization allows: check website performance, check website speed
Enter a URL below to calculate page size, composition, and download time. The script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component. Based on these page characteristics the script then offers advice on how to improve page load time. The script incorporates the latest best practices from Website Optimization Secrets, web page size guidelines and trends, and web site optimization techniques into its recommendations.
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hHow fast does your webpage load?
Category: Website speed check
loads.in gives you the possibility to see how fast your (or any) website loads in a real browser from over 50 locations worldwide. If you have a worldwide audience, or your site is hosted in a different country from where your visitors live, it is useful to see how long it takes to load your web pages. With loads.in you simply enter the full URL of the page you want to check, and the page is retreived by a browser at a random location. For each subsequent check you can choose a specific location
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size and loading time for every object on a web page
Category: Website speed check
Pingdom is a free online service that mimics the way a page is loaded in the web browser. It shows statistics (size, loading time) for every object on the web page so you know about the culprits who may slow down the website.
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