Site informations


Website Worth Checker logo
Category: Site estimation

Get complete Website Stats, Traffic Stats, Search Engines Index Stats, SEO Stats, Social Media Stats, Domain Info. You Can Sell and Buy Websites freely Registration not required.

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Published on 2020-04-25 03:11:27
Builtwith logo
Find Out Server Info, CMS and Other Statistics of a Websit

BuiltWith is a powerful online tool that automatically detects information about a particular website, such as server info, which CMS the site is using, which advertising and analytics the site is using, Javascript libraries, SEO details and much more. Registration not required.

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Published on 2017-04-24 13:11:50
Internet Archive Wayback machine logo
archiving the internet for future generations

Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported. Registration not required.

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Published on 2016-10-16 01:43:33
websiteoptimization logo
calculate page size, composition, and download time
websiteoptimization allows: check website performance, check website speed

Enter a URL below to calculate page size, composition, and download time. The script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component. Based on these page characteristics the script then offers advice on how to improve page load time. The script incorporates the latest best practices from Website Optimization Secrets, web page size guidelines and trends, and web site optimization techniques into its recommendations. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-09-21 15:44:15
webpagetest.org logo
Website Performance and Optimization Test

WebPagetest is an open source project that is primarily being developed and supported by Google as part of the efforts to make the web faster. The platform is under active development on GitHub and is also packaged up periodically and available for download if you would like to run your own instance. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-09-17 17:45:25
Google PageSpeed Insights logo
analyze the performance of a webpage for mobile devices and desktop devices

Page Speed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent. The PageSpeed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Please note that PageSpeed Insights is being continually improved and so the score will change as we add new rules or improve our analysis. PageSpeed Insights measures how the page can improve its performance on: time to above-the-fold load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page and to the moment the above-the-fold content is rendered by the browser. time to full page load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page to the moment the page is fully rendered by the browser. However, since the performance of a network connection varies considerably, PageSpeed Insights only considers the network-independent aspects of page performance: the server configuration, the HTML structure of a page, and its use of external resources such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. Implementing the suggestions should improve the relative performance of the page. However, the absolute performance of the page will still be dependent upon a user’s network connection. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-09-05 04:06:02
Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator logo
Category: Other widgets

A powerful Photoshop-like CSS gradient editor from ColorZilla. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-21 16:54:12
SocialMeter logo
determine the popularity of a web page on social sites

SocialMeter allows you to determine the popularity of a web page on social sites like Digg, delicious, Google Bookmarks, etc. Type the web address of any web page and Social meter will show you the exact number of times that page has been digged, bookmarked or saved on various social websites. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-02 00:29:08
WhoIsTheOwner.net logo
contact address, email and phone number of the website owner

WhoIsTheOwner.net will allow you to know the contact address, email and phone number of the website owner. Since most whois services on the web are tied to particular domain registrars, you cannot find the ownership details of that site by doing a whois query. WhoIsTheOwner is different because it queries the whois database of all popular domain registrars. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-02 00:26:21
Commission junction logo
online advertising

Commission Junction facilitates and supports equitable, lucrative relationships between advertisers and publishers. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-01 14:29:26
Exit Junction logo

Exit Junction offers a unique approach to advertising that is compatible with all the other Ad Networks included Google Adsense. The key to Exit junction is that they focus on showing ads to users as they leave your site rather than as they arrive or as they browse. This approach offers you an additional way to monetize your traffic and also capture ad revenue from those that stumble upon your site from a search engine and then immediately leave. By adding a small piece of Exit Junction code to the header section of your site users are shown an advert as they hit the back button. For example, if a user came to your site from a Google search and then immediately hit the back button to return to that search they would be shown an Exit Junction Ad in between your page and the Google search and you get paid for this impression. The ad is directly targeted to the search term that brought the visitor to your site in the first place. Hence Exit Junction is an ideal way of complimenting your existing ad services and so increasing your sites revenue without having to switch from your current ad provider. Exit junction also covers all countries. You get paid for all traffic exiting you site regardless of its origin. They offer fee free payout via Check or PayPal with earnings of as little as $25 on a monthly basis. Registration required.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:23:35
clicksor logo
deliver where it matters

Clicksor offers webmasters the opportunity to earn additional income by using a selection of clickable text or targeted contextual banners on their websites or blogs.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:17:54
Infolinks logo
intext Advertising

Infolinks drives new revenue for publishers by delivering intent-based ads in non-traditional web places. Select from a range of elegant and innovative ad units that best suit your needs, fully customize their appearance and easily add them to your site with our 1-minute integration plugins.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:17:27
Smowtion logo
an alternative to Adsense to monetize your website

Smowtion provides several types of ad form such as the ad banner that we usually use on Adsense and the pop-under ads. Smowtion is simply one of the great high-earner network we have ever found. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:13:36
webtrafficagents logo
potential ad earnings of a Website domain

WebTrafficAgents WebSite Valuation lets you find out the potential ad earnings of a Website domain and its net Value. This utility is FREE and can be used in conjunction with other research to acertain the possible direct ad earnings of a website, either as the site's owner/webmaster or as a potential purchaser of the domain/site. Building up a domain's visitor traffic is a time consuming, and sometimes costly business, domains which have a high value will be finely tuned to maximise advertising earnings potential. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:12:43
WebStatsDomain logo
how to know everything about a website

WebStatsDomain is a free web application that shows which keywords particular domains were optimized for. This information can help you determine why competing sites are more popular on search engine results. In addition to providing a list of domains and their keywords on the homepage, the site also lets you search for particular domain names and keyword set. Registration not required.

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Published on 2013-02-01 06:09:58
loads.in logo
hHow fast does your webpage load?

loads.in gives you the possibility to see how fast your (or any) website loads in a real browser from over 50 locations worldwide. If you have a worldwide audience, or your site is hosted in a different country from where your visitors live, it is useful to see how long it takes to load your web pages. With loads.in you simply enter the full URL of the page you want to check, and the page is retreived by a browser at a random location. For each subsequent check you can choose a specific location and browser profile. As a result you will be presented with the load time of the web page, snapshots of the webpage at different times during load, errors or warnings if they occur, a complete timing break down of all elements of your page in a waterfall chart, the possibility to download the timing results in the Http Archive (HAR) format. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-05-08 12:36:57
embedit.in logo
easily show documents on your website
Category: Other widgets

embedit.in allows you to show documents on your website. Registration not required.

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Published on 2012-05-08 12:33:39
Pladeo logo
a beautifully designed chat widget
Category: Chat creators

Pladeo is beautifully designed Flash chat widget. Some might call it overkill though. Site owners can choose a vertical or horizontal layout, as well as the color. Nicely designed, but it may take away from the rest of your site.

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Published on 2012-05-08 12:32:32
Plugoo logo
slick little chat widget
Category: Chat creators

Plugoo is a slick little chat widget that enables you to talk with site visitors via your IM client. In other words, you can work as usual without having to keep an eye on the chat box. Then if someone initiates a chat, a message will pop up on your IM. Great concept.

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Published on 2012-05-08 12:31:46
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